Finally we got the call about the quick FISH results from our genetic counselor. She said that the results came back that she does have's not Trisomy 18, but Triploidy. A condition that's even more fatal, if thats possible and most certainly is incompatible with life. Everybody has 2 of every chromosome... well she has 3 of every chromosome. An entire extra set of chromosomes. We were told that this is a completely sporadic event that is random and an 'accident'. There is no genetics involved and its nothing that can be passed down. This happens to 1-3% of the population and most of the time babies don't even make it past the 1st trimester. It's said that we don't know exactly how many people have triploidy pregnancies that don't make it, because the majority of them are actually miscarried in the 1st trimester, which a lot of people never get a diagnosis for. The fact that our little girl has made it to 21 weeks is a miracle!
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139.13-14
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