
Appointment 05/23

The appointment went well today; my blood pressure's still low and looking good. A different female Dr. saw me today but thankfully she was nice. As she began taking out the doppler to listen to Lyla's heart she began to ask if I had ever had a vaginal delivery before. I told her no, this was my first baby, but that I was planning on delivering vaginally if at all possible.
 Lyla's heart still sounds so great. It's crazy to listen to how perfect her heartbeat is and think she's not going to be okay.
The Dr. also measured the fundus again and my belly has grown 1cm since last visit. Of course I'm glad that I am growing, but it also doesn't feel good when I've only grown 1cm in 3 weeks.
At the end of that appointment, my favorite Dr. came in and I proceeded to tell him about our Labor & Delivery scare. I asked if he thought she was getting worse and that the end was starting to come because of her decreased movement. He said it's possible, but that there also could be some low fluid, just making it harder for me to feel her movements. He also mentioned that we will  be able to tell more with an ultrasound, which we have scheduled for 2 weeks from now. I can't wait to see her again!
He also began to talk to me about inducing. He said that if at any point we feel we're ready, he would be okay inducing. It's just a whole other thing to think about. I want very much to have the chance to meet her alive and I am so scared of her dying in utero, I feel anxious for her to be here and I'm almost going to be ready to induce, just so I can see her and meet her while she's still with us. But at the same time, I want to give her every chance and give her the full time in utero to keep growing and developing. Me and Adam think it may be the best idea to ask him during our ultrasound about his thoughts and what he could see. If she's starting to stop development and is 'getting worse', we'd like to try to meet her alive. If she is still doing great, then we'd like to keep her inside as long as possible.
I guess we never really know the answer and just have to wait and see like everything else in this pregnancy with her. So we pray for guidance to know what to do and to know what is best for the 3 of us!

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