
Conflicting Feelings 03/18

I find I've been struggling with my feelings of people talking about Lyla and her condition. I feel like I WANT people to ask about her and at the same time I get annoyed talking about it. If someone calls or texts me and almost avoids the subject, and just goes into normal everyday life things, it annoys me because it makes me feel like they're forgetting that I am going through something so heart wrenching and that I am going through a pregnancy in which my baby is dying and I'm not going to bring her home. I know that everyone probably just wants me to feel better and they don't want every topic to revolve around such a sad subject.
And I also have people who do talk about it a lot and ask the same questions and I get so irritated and don't want to talk about it! I feel crazy because here I am wanting people to stop talking about it, but also getting offended when people act like everything's fine and normal.

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