
Preparing for Lyla Giuliana 03/22

Lyla is expected to be very very small when she's born, regardless if she goes till term or not. So I've been trying to find some clothes for her, at least one outfit to put her in when I finally get to see her. I've noticed a lot of mom's in my position have put there baby girl's in long white burial gowns but I can't bear to see that on Lyla. Plus she is my daughter, so I know she will be a little fashionista!
There's preemie clothes, which are also seen as 'up to 7 lbs', but there is a huge difference between a 2 lb baby and a 4 lb baby. So I've felt like I needed to find micro-preemie clothes. But those are impossible because they're all made to be put on very easily and made to be comfy because babies that are considered micro-preemie's are between 1-3 lbs...what I'm thinking Lyla is 'suppose' to be. And most of these babies are in the NICU and don't need fru fru clothes anyway. They're so small and delicate, I'm guessing that is why none of the clothes are cute like all other normal baby clothes. So I set out to Gymboree, Janie & Jack, and babyGAP in search for at least some preemie clothes for my sweet Lyla to wear and look cute.
I managed to get an extremely helpful sales girl at Gymboree who asked what I was looking for. I told her preemie and as the shopping went on and she helped me, of course the questions came of when I was due, how I knew she'd be a preemie, etc. And so for the first time since the Triploidy diagnosis I shared her story with a stranger. She was so compassionate and easy to talk to that I felt extremely comfortable with her, especially because the first thing out of her mouth besides the look of a sad face was that God had the final word and that it was not over yet. I am so thankful for her and it was so nice and reassuring to get that same hopeful outlook for a miracle and reminder that the Lord is the ultimate Physician and He hasn't given His diagnosis yet like I've said before. She proceeded to help me find anything I could and made multiple trips to the back of the store in search for any stray preemie clothes lying around. I fell in love with these little jean shorts with a pink bow belt. But of course the smallest size was 0-3 months. Needless to say I hung onto them the whole shopping trip. In the end, I got a preemie onesie with pink writing, and gave in to the jean shorts and a pink TuTu!! I know I'll have to pin the bottoms to make them fit her, but I think it's good enough for my sweet angel. She will be so pretty!
I had also been torn between what to do for a baby book/album. Most baby books have spots for milestones after of the baby grows, like first day of school etc and I didn't want to get one and have half the book be filled. It'd just be a reminder of how little time she was here. So I thought about just a simple photo album, where we could put all of the pictures we're taking now of all the places we're taking her. But then I knew there'd be more things of her and keepsakes I'd want than just pictures. It was then that I ran across the perfect thing.  A pink keepsake box from Pottery Barn kids. The top of the box has a frame for a picture as well as a foot print and the inside has a place for keepsakes, mementos, any written notes, photos etc. I am so glad I ran across this. I feel like this box will be perfect to store all the memories we will be having with her.

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