
I Will Carry You 03/19

I've been reading the book I Will Carry You by Angie Smith and I absolutely adore it. It's based on her family's journey with their daughter Audrey, which is so similar to ours. She was given a diagnosis of being incompatible with life as well, and they decided to carry her to term. They ended up getting 2.5 hours with her.

Like I've said before, I feel like God had been preparing me for this from the very start of the pregnancy, and I owe the way I feel today to Him. Of course I go through rough moments and sad times, but even in those times I still feel comforted and protected by Him. I'm not worried about anything and I'm certainly not angry. The only negative thing I'm feeling is sadness which I know it completely normal. I feel like I can relate to her book tremendously. I'm almost done with it, and in the ending chapters its all about after the birth and dealing with grieving. A part of me wants to hurry and give birth and try to conceive again... rush through these next couple months. But the other part wants it to slow down so we can really experience Lyla while she's with us.

I included the Smith's video about their daughter Audrey.

1 comment:

  1. That video is so touching! What a beautiful tribute to such a beautiful lil girl. I think its amazing that you will carry her until God calls her home whether now or way later. I know that Lyla is a very lucky little girl and that she is going to be absolutly beautiful!
